Friday, May 13, 2011


I most definitely had another post, but it disapparated. That's odd. I tried blogging earlier today, but Blogger was down. It said that some posts were removed and would be reposted soon. Hope so! Anyway, my amazing bf is graduating tonight!!! I am so proud of him. He's such a smarty-pants, even though he won't admit to it.

It finally hit me that I am also graduating. I am thoroughly freaked out. I am excited, but scared. I'm looking forward to this new chapter in my life, but I'm afraid I'm going to screw up, you know? (Side note: I dislike leaving messages on voicemail. I just had to do this to confirm my start date.) Confirmed for June 20th now, because the annual engineer's conference is the 23rd&24th. It will be good, lol. Work 3 days and then go to a 2 day conference where you don't do much. Woohoo! I am looking forward to starting work, but it will be weird because I won't be going back to school at the end of 3 months... Well, I am already planning on going back in October for alumni band, but that's another story.

My time at Purdue has been amazing. All of the "bucket lists" I have found to do before graduation I have done: except for one thing. And that will be done tomorrow afternoon, less than 24 hours from now!!!!! (Walk across the stage for your commencement ceremony) I am excited. I can't believe my undergraduate education is complete. I definitely still remember walking into Elliott the very first time, scared out of my mind. But I've met amazing people here and I know that I don't regret any decisions I have made while at school.

I can only hope that the next 5 years of my life goes as well as the past 5. I know that God is here for me and He has a plan. I saw this on twitter and retweeted it, but I'll post it here too. "God only gives three answers to prayer: 1. 'Yes!' 2. 'Not yet.' 3. 'I have something better in mind." I have definitely gotten answer #3 a fair amount of times, and I trust in Him. 

I should clean my apartment, my family will be in town this evening. Until next time, readers.

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