Friday, May 27, 2011

Skirt & Stuff

So I finished (sort of, haha) my skirt! It needs a lining because the material is sort of see-through, but only when I stand naturally, so a lining is pretty much necessary if I'm going to wear it in public, haha. It actually wasn't too hard to put together, cutting out the pieces took a little over an hour and it was easy enough to put the main pieces together. Attaching the yoke and finishing the skirt was a challenge. It took me a while to figure out what the pattern meant by the "lower edge of the yoke" and the "upper edge of the skirt" (I had to pin them together) but I eventually got it after looking at a few pictures of skirts with yokes and the picture of the pattern again. I finished it in probably about 5ish hours, but it was my first skirt and I stumbled with the yoke. But now that I've got one done, especially with that pattern, I figure it will take me maybe 4-5 hours to make another one. The skirt even has pockets! It's fairly awesome.
Before cutting any pieces
All the pieces are cut out!
The first half of the pockets
My first attempt at pleats turned out fairly well.
Finished skirt!
I love the pockets.
Eventually I want to purchase some heavier material and make this skirt for work. I'm thinking grey linen, but I'm not really sure. I think if I make it out of a heavier material it will hang differently at the bottom, so it might be better for work. (I also don't think the polka dots would be work appropriate, haha).

Speaking of work, I'm going to Indy this weekend for the 500! My last band event as a member of the AAMB... I am going to go through withdrawal come the fall, and I know it. The boy is starting to go through his own withdrawals. We have joked about finding grief counselors for each other. Ridiculous, I know. We'll be okay. I have already told him that if he stops singing I'll smack him. He then proceeded to ask me if I had found anything for band in ATL yet. I haven't, but I need to. I know I will miss playing. I pulled out my old trumpet today to show it to him, the valves still move! (After not touching it for a few years, I was very impressed) But if I do find a play to play, I'll bring my French horn over my trumpet, simply because it's been so long since I have played my trumpet.

The boy came with me to my parent's house from Tuesday-this afternoon. We detoured to the Navy Pier,  because my mom's flight back from CA was cancelled. So she got in to O'Hare at 11pm. We picked her up and went the rest of the way home. It was fun walking around Navy Pier with the boy, he hadn't ever been there before. It was chilly!! We were both in shorts because it had been summer in Indiana but became fall in Chicago. Brr. It rained while we were at home, but we went to the Jelly Belly factory and the Cheese Castle. He was excited when I told him we were going to go there. We bought lots of jelly beans and took the tour of the Jelly Belly warehouse/factory with my mom. She was happy we were finally able to visit her. We were both been so busy this semester there wasn't time for us to make the drive up to see her.

It's bedtime for me. I'm glad to be back in my apartment in IN, especially with my cats. (They were at home for the weekend, but I was able to bring them back with me this time. It was so lonely here without them!)

Until next time, readers.

Fortune cookie says: Be patient! The Great Wall didn't got build in one day.

Saturday, May 21, 2011


I graduated!! It's official and everything, I have the piece of paper to prove it. I am nervous about what the future holds for me, but I ran across this verse today, which is beginning to help me remember that I have to trust in God and His plan for me. "Be strong and courageous. Do not be terrified, do not be discouraged, for the LORD your God will be with you wherever you go." -Joshua 1:9. 

It's amazing, the things, people, and experiences He has given me. I have begun listening to podcasts from North Point Community Church. I am trying to find a church in ATL and I think, based on the past three weeks, that I have found my future church. It's hard to say how I know this without telling my whole story, which isn't something I want to do on here. But, here's a link to the message in case you're interested. The pastor, Andy Stanley, has been speaking about The New Rules for Love, Sex & Dating for the past three weeks. Part 4 is tomorrow, and I plan on saving the podcasts for my children to listen to when it is time for them to enter into the dating world.

In other news, I'm back in my apartment for the weekend. The boy is in Chicago for the weekend with some buddies from PVGC auditioning for a TV show-and I've probably already said too much. They're supposed to keep it on the d/l. Anywho, he's gone for the day and won't be back until late, so I'm hanging out around my apartment watching the Harry Potter marathon on ABC family. I think I'll start attempting a skirt... I found the fabric&pattern at Jo-Ann's with my sister. I'll post pictures throughout the process. It will be my first skirt, so hopefully it turns out... decently. Haha. :)

Until next time, readers.
Don't forget that tomorrow belongs to God. Once you let go of tomorrow, you will begin to be at peace with yourself.

Friday, May 13, 2011


I most definitely had another post, but it disapparated. That's odd. I tried blogging earlier today, but Blogger was down. It said that some posts were removed and would be reposted soon. Hope so! Anyway, my amazing bf is graduating tonight!!! I am so proud of him. He's such a smarty-pants, even though he won't admit to it.

It finally hit me that I am also graduating. I am thoroughly freaked out. I am excited, but scared. I'm looking forward to this new chapter in my life, but I'm afraid I'm going to screw up, you know? (Side note: I dislike leaving messages on voicemail. I just had to do this to confirm my start date.) Confirmed for June 20th now, because the annual engineer's conference is the 23rd&24th. It will be good, lol. Work 3 days and then go to a 2 day conference where you don't do much. Woohoo! I am looking forward to starting work, but it will be weird because I won't be going back to school at the end of 3 months... Well, I am already planning on going back in October for alumni band, but that's another story.

My time at Purdue has been amazing. All of the "bucket lists" I have found to do before graduation I have done: except for one thing. And that will be done tomorrow afternoon, less than 24 hours from now!!!!! (Walk across the stage for your commencement ceremony) I am excited. I can't believe my undergraduate education is complete. I definitely still remember walking into Elliott the very first time, scared out of my mind. But I've met amazing people here and I know that I don't regret any decisions I have made while at school.

I can only hope that the next 5 years of my life goes as well as the past 5. I know that God is here for me and He has a plan. I saw this on twitter and retweeted it, but I'll post it here too. "God only gives three answers to prayer: 1. 'Yes!' 2. 'Not yet.' 3. 'I have something better in mind." I have definitely gotten answer #3 a fair amount of times, and I trust in Him. 

I should clean my apartment, my family will be in town this evening. Until next time, readers.

Thursday, May 12, 2011

Senior week

Senior week sounds just like what you might think it is: the seniors stick around campus and the general population of us are drunk for the whole week, or at least at bars every night. It's kind of ridiculous. I went to a party last night, it was okay. I guess I'm beyond the point where I want to go out and drink and stuff. It's not that I don't enjoy it, it's just that I'm ready to move on from this nonsense, I guess. I've never really understood why people drink so much they end up throwing up or with a massive hang over the next day. I really don't understand the people who say the next day, "I don't remember anything after 11 last night." And then laugh about it (or some other time, not always 11.)

I also think part of it is because I thought this week would be different. Kind of ridiculous for me to think that, really. The boy's still busy with his stuff that I was kind of hoping would be over by now. Boy, was I wrong. Now I'm just hoping he will be available to help me move to Atlanta in June. I saw him for dinner yesterday. I didn't see him at all on Tuesday and only for a few (like, 3) hours on Monday. Who knows if I will get to see him today or tomorrow. PS He's graduating tomorrow. I can't go to the ceremony because school is dumb and only gave him 4 tickets, so his youngest sister can't go either. Oh will, I'll watch the live streaming version of it. Although it's not even like he is walking across the stage. (He sings, quite well, actually.)

Anywho. I'm going to find something to do, like, watch TV or clean or something since it seems everyone is busy today.

Monday, May 9, 2011

Let's do this thing.

Here goes. I'm graduating college on Saturday, yikes! I am excited and terrified at the same time. I am getting my B.S. from Purdue University, and then I'm going to move to Atlanta to start work at the end of June. I never thought that I would end up in the south, but here I go! I don't have a place to live yet, but I'm going to go with my mom to look at apartments at the beginning of June.

I don't really know what this blog will be about yet. Probably a look at where I'm going with life and my move to Atlanta. I will hopefully post at least once a week, depending on what's going on. It's going to be an interesting journey into this "new" life called adulthood.

I thank God every day for the people He has put into my life and the path He is guiding me on.

Until next time, readers.