Saturday, May 21, 2011


I graduated!! It's official and everything, I have the piece of paper to prove it. I am nervous about what the future holds for me, but I ran across this verse today, which is beginning to help me remember that I have to trust in God and His plan for me. "Be strong and courageous. Do not be terrified, do not be discouraged, for the LORD your God will be with you wherever you go." -Joshua 1:9. 

It's amazing, the things, people, and experiences He has given me. I have begun listening to podcasts from North Point Community Church. I am trying to find a church in ATL and I think, based on the past three weeks, that I have found my future church. It's hard to say how I know this without telling my whole story, which isn't something I want to do on here. But, here's a link to the message in case you're interested. The pastor, Andy Stanley, has been speaking about The New Rules for Love, Sex & Dating for the past three weeks. Part 4 is tomorrow, and I plan on saving the podcasts for my children to listen to when it is time for them to enter into the dating world.

In other news, I'm back in my apartment for the weekend. The boy is in Chicago for the weekend with some buddies from PVGC auditioning for a TV show-and I've probably already said too much. They're supposed to keep it on the d/l. Anywho, he's gone for the day and won't be back until late, so I'm hanging out around my apartment watching the Harry Potter marathon on ABC family. I think I'll start attempting a skirt... I found the fabric&pattern at Jo-Ann's with my sister. I'll post pictures throughout the process. It will be my first skirt, so hopefully it turns out... decently. Haha. :)

Until next time, readers.
Don't forget that tomorrow belongs to God. Once you let go of tomorrow, you will begin to be at peace with yourself.

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