Sunday, July 3, 2011

As mentioned previously & then some.

I said in my last update that I feel like an outcast at work. And for the first week + a few days, that was true. No, no one really wants to hang out with me after work, but I have come to accept it (for now) and I'm okay with it. I realized that part of this is due to the fact that I am not sitting in my department-there isn't  an empty desk for me at the moment. Which, to be fair, is a good problem to have. So I'm not complaining, especially now that I am being given more responsibility every day at work. On Friday one of my co-workers asked for my help on a project that will be a long-term effort. And one of the interns has started asking me questions! So, work was hard the first week, but look back on it-and from talking to some people who have been in the work place for at least 6 months-every one's first week is a little challenging.

Last week I made the promise to myself, you, and God, that I would go to North Point today. I went. I need to get there about 10:45 though if I'm going to sit closer to the front. I have most definitely found a MEGA-church. But I absolutely loved it. I can't tell you why, because I can't put into words how being surrounded by so many people who have come together to worship makes me feel. I guess I can compare it to the way a really good piece of music gives me goosebumps. For example, whenever I listen to Jupiter (granted, I am biased since I play French horn) or, even a couple times during some Glee Club performances this past semester. When those guys sing... shivers. Anyway. I was a little disappointed they didn't have a NEXT class today, but they will next week and I have every intention of going. (The NEXT class is for people who are new to NP and want to get involved or learn more about NP)

On a completely different note, I started making myself a bag to take my lunch in to work. I like packing my lunch instead of going out every day, so I figured a bag would be a good idea. I found zebra print material at Jo-Ann's! So I'm making myself a lunch bag and it will be awesome. Don't worry, I'll post pictures of it once I am all finished.

So I'm going to go work on that and play with the cats because they won't leave me alone... Pesky cats!

Until next time, dear reader. Matthew 5:14-16.

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